Adi Khafidh Persada from PT Acme Indonesia as a Speaker in Webinar Series by BKKMTKI and BKKPII

On June 13th 2021, Adi Khafidh Persada from PT Acme Indonesia spoke at the BKKMTKI X BKKPII Webinar Series Season 1. The event was organized by Badan Koordinasi Kegiatan Mahasiswa Teknik Kimia Indonesia (BKKMTKI) and Badan Kejuruan Kimia Persatuan Insinyur Indonesia (BKKPII) to improve engineering students and professionals’ knowledge on recent issues in the field. In this event, Mr Adi spoke about natural resources utilization in the chemical sector to improve national industrial development. This event is also attended by Dr. Oki Muraza, SVP, Research Innovation & Technology Innovation of Pertamina, who is also the speaker of this event. It is hoped through this event, young engineers and engineering students will get a better comprehension of the current situation of the chemical industry in Indonesia.

For more information, please contact:

Adi Khafidh Persada (Business Unit Manager – Chemicals) –

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